We monitor your backup daily as part of our service. An engineer will initially install the backup software so you can have complete confidence that your important files are being backed up correctly. We use military grade data centres across the UK to ensure that your data is fully encrypted, stored and replicated. Should your on-site systems fail, we also offer a full disaster recovery solution which allows your systems to continue to operate in the cloud – meaning minimal disruption for you and your staff.

Data stored in the cloud on services such as Office 365 and Google for Education can still be lost if not backup up securely, through human error, hacking, ransomware or accidentally closing accounts. We partner with Redstor, market leading Cloud Data Management company to provide a secure, fully encrypted solution hosted with Tier 4 UK data centres. For added peace of mind we monitor your backups to ensure everything is running exactly as expected.

CCTV is a great and easy way to boost security at a school, from recording incidents in the playground to recording a suspicious person overnight at the site. We highly recommend a system by Hikvision which uses your schools existing network cable infrastructure, keeping costs down, to connect the
Full HD cameras to the recording system which can be remotely accessed and stores data for at least 1 month. We can help you design a personalised solution that suits for the needs of the school and can be anything from 2 to 99 cameras, internal and external. We do also work with other systems and can support those already installed.

We provide the latest security standards to your environment with 2FA (Two-factor authentication). 2FA adds an additional layer of security to the authentication process much like you already use for online banking by making it more difficult for attackers to gain access to devices, online accounts and resources. 2FA combined with conditional access ensures authenticity of logins
and safeguards sensitive data with the option of OTP (One Time Password) keyring tags to comply with school policies.

Cybersecurity is important for schools as they are heavily reliant on technology to operate effectively. Without vulnerability assessments (VA), schools may leave themselves open to cyberattacks and a variety of other security issues. VA’s are critical to identify security flaws and entry points into compromising the school network and computers. We provide in depth, periodic documented vulnerability assessment reports showing remediations to secure systems both internally and externally.

Phishing simulations test and help reinforce cybersecurity training for staff to recognise, avoid, and report potential email threats. We provide custom phishing simulations for a variety of online platforms to guard your school against social-engineering threats. Detailed reports can be produced to provide an insight on individuals that would benefit from further training.

Knowing who is on your premises at all times is very important. For years, a simple visitor book on the front desk sufficed, however, with data protection and GDPR at the forefront of everyone’s minds, it is important to have a compliant system in place. We recommend InVentry and having worked
with them in a number of schools, we know it is the most popular solution. Providing the ability to quickly print class lists showing which pupils are in school, due to the link to your MIS, and current visitors who are on the premises in the event of an evacuation meaning you have a quickly know if anyone may still be inside. It is also possible to ask visitors to accept safeguarding agreements and coronavirus based questions to assist with being covid-secure.

Security in schools is extremely high on the agenda coupled with the requirement to have a lockdown procedure in place, we find that Access Control is a fantastic way to meet the requirements placed upon schools. We recommend Paxton which can be installed to a server and connected to any
door or gate using a network connection. Lockdown buttons can be installed in the school to quickly activate the procedure and doors can be set to open or close with different time zones such as for an after school club. The system is very flexible and can even be linked into CCTV systems to provide an image of a door when it is unlocked by a user. We have also worked with other access control systems if you already have one installed you wish to expand and can offer a service to design a solution to fit your needs.

With the ever-growing advancements in technology and the ability to access data anywhere and at anytime, we need to be able to keep this information, safe and secure. As a Sophos Silver Partner, we can provide the latest threat protection solutions with significant savings for education customers for both on premises and cloud-based products.

Schools, regardless of the number of students and staff, hold data that can be very sensitive. To keep information safe, we provide an easy to use, secure, end-to-end encrypted communication for staff keeping your student information secure and confidential without the need to replace your current email system.

Protect your staff and student mailboxes with this vital additional email security layer protecting email platforms such as Office 365 and Gmail from malware and zero day attacks with a rock solid, multi-award winning anti-spam, malware blocking and email filtering service at an affordable price. The sandboxing feature protects against breaches and sophisticated email attacks by providing a powerful environment to run in-depth, sophisticated analysis of unknown or suspicious programs and files.

We can create custom ID cards in our design studio, with a quick turnaround offered when needed. We can customise ID cards to your requirements and include information such as job titles and DBS numbers. We also, if required, can supply stock or personalised lanyards and holders.